Emergency Preparedness Graphic

Be Prepared for an Emergency

Be prepared and ready before an emergency or disaster occurs. Are you ready, it is time to plan ahead and in advance.

Sooner or later everyone is faced with an emergency but because they usually occur infrequently, some people put emergency planning and preparedness low on their to do list. Unfortunately this could have tragic consequences.

911 is the medium by which you are connected with emergency resources in your community. These resources become your partner they do not relieve you of your personal responsibility to adequately plan and prepare to protect yourself and those in your care.

If you don’t have an emergency plan there’s no time like the present to prepare one. Organizations can contact Montour County EMA for assistance with plan development. Families can start with the information provided on this website as well as resources from the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Red Cross, and many more.

The FEMA Family Emergency Plan Template can be found here. Fill in the blanks and print the form. Then access and print the other information. Put all the forms in a binder and you now have a basic family emergency plan. All members of your household must be aware of the contents. We also recommend that your plan be reviewed by the entire family with the change of each season.